Creating a Positive Organisation

These articles by Professor Robert Quinn are well worth read.

The concept of taking the function of HR away from “sticking bandages on old wounds” into working with the Senior Leadership Team to create positive, innovative and inspiring places to work is something we get really excited about!

Businesses brave enough to stop trying to simply fix or fire the “problem employee” but to look at the whole organisation and what needs to be different, reap rewards in the form of high performing employees working collaboratively in innovative and effective ways that exceed all expectations.

Business owners willing to seek out excellence and then take steps to replicate and build on it throughout the business find themselves pushing ahead of their competition.

Part of this effort is being willing to work without a structured plan and have the courage of your convictions that if you start doing great stuff, you will open your business up to possibilities you didn’t know existed when you started.

Does this excite you for your business? We’d love to talk to you about it!

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