Grades for GCSE are changing from the A to F system to a 9 to 1 system.If you are an employer and you recruit younger employees (maybe apprentices) you need to be aware of this.

It’s being phased in gradually – this year some students are receiving grades 9 to 1 in maths and english but A to F in all other subjects.

9 is the highest grade. The grades do not correlate neatly against A* to F so it is thought (although no one is 100% clear yet) that a 7 is equivalent an A.

We suspect there is going to be a lot of confused employers and recruiters out there!

No one seems to be able to give a credible answer for the reason behind this tinkering with the grade system or to highlight any possible benefits. Just a thought from vivoHR but possibly money would have been better spent attracting more teachers into the education profession…?!

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