Unpaid internships will be subject to greater scrutiny by the HMRC and the Department for Business Innovation & Skills it would seem. We cautiously welcome this news as we’ve long felt that there are companies exploiting young workers trying to get a foot in the door of their chosen career.

Why cautiously? Because at the same time as believing that people should be paid their worth, we also recognise that getting valuable work experience is crucial for inexperienced employees & anything that creates a barrier to that is not helpful.

Like so many things we find ourselves wishing we were in charge & could find a solution that would benefit employers & prospective interns. Perhaps a strict time limit on unpaid work experience? Maybe an “intern rate” along the lines of the apprentice rate with strict parameters about how & when it is applicable? Or other options that we haven’t even considered yet?

What would encourage you to give an inexperienced worker a chance to gain some skills in your business?


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