Fit Notes are failing to get people back to work according to a survey published last month. the 2013 EEF / Westfield Health Sickness Absence Survey indicates that some employers are increasingly negative about the value of the Fit Notes in supporting employees to return to work. It appears that long term absence is increasing and progress in reducing absence has plateaued despite employers introducing return to work interviews, manager training in managing absence and providing occupational health services. GPs are seen as one of the biggest barriers to rehabilitating employees back to work.
How do you manage sickness absence? Are you seeing similar issues in your workplace?
We believe much can be done to improve how businesses & GPs communicate when an employee is absent due to sickness; simple changes in how employers request information, and what information is requested can be hugely beneficial. As can establishing a positive and open line of communication with the employee so that there is a collaborative approach to getting people back to work effectively.