vivoHR & Training Blog

Creating a Positive Organisation

Creating a Positive Organisation

Creating a Positive Organisation These articles by Professor Robert Quinn are well worth read. The concept of taking the function of HR away from "sticking bandages on old wounds" into working with the Senior Leadership Team to create positive, innovative and...

Shared Parental Leave is not being used by most new parents

Shared Parental Leave is not being used by most new parents

Less than 10% of new parents are taking advantage of the opportunity to share what used to be mum's Maternity Leave with the new Shared Parental Leave rights since its introduction in April 2015. It's possibly a pretty complex process for new parents to work out how...

Happy New Year

Happy New Year

Happy New Year! Do you have your New Year Resolutions in place yet? How about adding a few of these to that list? Spend some time this year planning your employment strategy. It is time well spent but it is often a “luxury” that we don’t allow ourselves. It will...

Changes to Employment Law in 2017

Changes to Employment Law in 2017

Personnel Today always publish a useful round up of upcoming employment law changes - so here's the heads up for 2017. To be honest many of those anticipated changes won't have a significant impact on your small business but there are a few you should be aware of,  in...

Fun in your workplace

Fun in your workplace

Fun seems like an apt topic for a pre-Christmas post and it fits with one of our favourite any time of year workplace philosophies too - the FISH! principles. We've just downloaded this resource from HRZone and BrightHR - it's a neat little book of fun ideas that...

Festive Workplace hint and tips

Festive Workplace hint and tips

It wouldn't be a festive Christmas without the inevitable doom mongering HR post about the risks and pitfalls of staff enjoying themselves just a little too much at your festive here it is! All joking aside, there are some points in this article from...

Setting Goals for 2017? Here’s some tips for success

Setting Goals for 2017? Here’s some tips for success

Setting goals for 2017 with your employees? Interesting article in Entrepreneur about how to fail at goal setting with your staff. Worth a read! In summary - to succeed (as we prefer a more positive approach!): Be specific and ensure that the goals are clearly aligned...

Happy at work

Happy at work

People are apparently more happy at work than they were six months ago! Great headline...but that doesn't tell us the whole story.... According to the CIPD Employee Outlook for Autumn 2016, reported employee satisfaction has increased. However it's still lower than it...