vivoHR & Training Blog

Fit For Work

FIT FOR WORK IS OPEN FOR BUSINESS From today employers in England & Wales can access the Government service to help get employees on long term sickness absence back into the workplace. The Fit For Work Service is aimed at SMEs and for employees who have been...

Holiday Pay and Long Term Sickness

So the summer is almost finished and the summer Holiday Pay frenzy is over for another year but recently there has been a case with the Employment Appeals Tribunal (EAT) regarding holiday pay and sick leave that you should all be aware of. The issues raised in the...

Could Annual Appraisals soon become a thing of the past?

Accenture have decided that for their 330,000 members of staff they will be, opting instead for more regular less formal contact and dialogue throughout the year. This approach helps keep on top of set goals and objectives rather than waiting for a whole 12 months to...

Early conciliation helps avoid tribunal cases

Half of early conciliation cases result in avoiding an employment tribunal according to figures produced by ACAS. Since early conciliation was launched last year, ACAS has dealt with 83,000 cases with three-quarters of these going through the early conciliation...

Sunday Trading Laws

A change to Sunday Trading laws? George Osborne has announced that there will be a consultation on changing Sunday Trading Laws to allow local authorities & mayors to define their own Sunday trading hours. There are concerns being voiced about the exploitation of...

Budget 2015 – National Minimum Wage Increase

We're sure you've heard this from a dozen or more sources already but we could hardly let the budget go by without commenting on the employment implications. We applaud the government for their worthy intentions to increase the National Minimum Wage (with a name...

Unlawful Deductions From Wages

From today 1 July 2015 employees will only be able to backdate claims for unlawful deductions from wages for a maximum of two years. This change came about due to fears that a high number of claims may be made for backdated holiday pay trailing back for a number of...

Getting the work done?

Employees waste up to 3 hours a day! The Telegraph reports results of a survey that asked 2000 people about their working day. Apparently only half of the group believe they work productively for 6 or more hours a day whilst 10% admitted to doing less than half an...