Mind your data! How do you manage data security in your business? Do all your staff know the correct data security protocols and procedures? Do you even have data security protocols?!

Whilst Garner predict an overall increase in spend on IT security, research from Databarracks found that 24% of companies report data security issues are caused by human error.

Databarracks suggest that this is one area where SMEs would really benefit from taking a “big company ” approach to the way they operate – implementing rigorous procedures, limiting access, locking down user permissions and ensuring everyone is competent in adhering to the necessary protocols.

So how are you managing IT security in your business? Do you have requirements for passwords, user permissions, document control, email usage and more generally the maintenance of confidentiality? What about IT security requirements if hardware is removed from the premises, and what are your management systems for data stored “in the cloud”? Do you have a bring your own device (BYOD) policy to regulate how employees’ own hardware is interacting with your systems? And finally how do you manage the return of IT systems and data when employees leave your company?


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