vivoHR & Training Blog

Holiday Pay and Commission

Well it's official - commission must be taken into account when calculating holiday pay, although we still now await more info on what this ruling by the tribunal means in practical terms - no guidance yet on HOW you actually need to calculate this. But wait we hear...

Employment Laws and Policies

All change! It's that time of year when employment laws get changed so be prepared for the following from the start of April. Regulation changes take effect from 5 April and financial changes take effect from 6 April - just to keep things a little confused!: 1. Shared...

5 April 2015 Policies Update

We have finally done it! Our parental & carer policies are updated ready for all the changes that come into effect on 5 April 2015. We've amended our maternity, paternity, adoption polices and we've drafted a shared parental leave policy. We've also updated our...

Maternity Benefits

It makes sense to offer an attractive maternity benefits package if you want to retain talent in your business - well that's the message Vodafone are giving & we agree! Vodafone have announced a worldwide enhanced maternity benefits policy that will see all women...

Job Roles

Did you know that 1.8 million people in the UK are now employed in job roles that didn't even exist in 1990?! According to the Financial Times 6% of all UK workers are in these new roles. The rapid rise of technology and our embracing of the "digital economy" has...

Eggstra Bank Holiday

Eggstra-ordinary bumper bonus bank holiday year! If your company holiday year runs from April to March this concerns you. Easter in 2015 falls in April & then in 2016 it falls in March meaning that if your holiday year runs from April to March there will actually...


The legislation on whistleblowing makes it unlawful to dismiss an employee if they report alleged wrong doings to a relevant authority and by following the prescribed procedure. However reports would suggest that employees face poor treatment by their employers...

competency framework

Is it time to bin the Competency Framework? Personnel Today reports that they have had their day & are no longer relevant to the business world in the 21st Century. We don't necessarily agree with that! Like all tools they have their benefits if they are designed...

Charity begins at home

Emma & Sam made the decision last year to each support a local charity close to our hearts, it is a privilege to use our skills and give some of our time to these essential community projects. Sam works with Creating Futures - a project in the Rushmoor area that...