vivoHR & Training Blog

National Stress Awareness Day Wednesday 4 November 2015

Yes we know, yet another "awareness day" - we might ask what difference will just one day make and the answer is not a lot if that is it - "just the one day" - but it's a start point & might lead to some useful conversations and maybe some action in some...

Shared Grandparental Leave

Working grandparents will possibly soon be able to request Shared Parental Leave. The Conservative Government plans to open consultation in early 2016 with a view to implementing new policy by 2018. This would allow working grandparents to request time off to care for...

World Mental Health Day 10 October 2015

Every year the 10 October is World Mental Health Day - it's hosted by the World Federation of Mental Health and championed by the Mental Health Foundation. It focusses a spotlight on and aims to raise awareness of mental health issues that could affect any of us at...

Mind your Data Security

Mind your data! How do you manage data security in your business? Do all your staff know the correct data security protocols and procedures? Do you even have data security protocols?! Whilst Garner predict an overall increase in spend on IT security, research from...

New Smoking Ban in vehicles carrying under 18’s

Yesterday October 1st saw the first day of the new law making it illegal to smoke in private vehicles when carrying anyone under the age of 18 years old. This includes privately owned vehicles that are used for work purposes when carrying an under 18 passenger. The...

National Minimum Wage Increase

National Minimum Wage increases today. Just a reminder that the National Minimum Wage increases take effect from today as follows: 21 & over £6.70... 18-20 £5.30 Under 18 £3.87 Apprentice £3.30 These rates apply to anyone over school leaving age. The apprentice...

Trust your employees and reap the rewards

Trust employees to work flexibly and productivity will blossom says the Head of HR at Cisco UK&Ireland... This is our fundamental belief at vivoHR - treat your employees like grown ups, expect them to behave like adults, allow them to manage their workloads and...

Travel and Working Time Regulations

The European Court of Justice has reached a decision that travel time at the start and end of each working day for workers with no fixed place of work, often referred to as Mobile Workers, will now count as working time for the purpose of compliance with the Working...

The Rugby World Cup

The Rugby World Cup starts tomorrow with the final being held at Twickenham on 31st October and ACAS have produced as in the past for other events some guidelines on how to manage the impact it may cause to your business. Most matches are at the weekend and evening...