vivoHR & Training Blog

How Good Employee Benefits Drive Loyalty 

How Good Employee Benefits Drive Loyalty 

Strategic employee benefits can significantly impact team satisfaction, engagement, loyalty and retention ... and have a positive effect on the standard of their work and effort.   In today’s competitive job market, employers need to differentiate themselves...

Engagement and Job Satisfaction 

Engagement and Job Satisfaction 

Putting the focus on retaining your team with engagement and job satisfaction.  Gallup’s 2023 State of the Global Workplace Report found that the majority of the world’s employees are “quiet quitting”, meaning that they are slowly disengaging from...

Company Culture and Values v Policies

Company Culture and Values v Policies

Are your company culture and values at odds with your policies? Do your employees even know what your company culture and values are? Value-driven policies are the best way to build a culture where both your people and the business thrive.  Let’s start with a few key...

A Balancing Act – Mastering the Art of Remote and Hybrid Working

A Balancing Act – Mastering the Art of Remote and Hybrid Working

Over these last few years, remote and hybrid working has become the new normal. But it’s not as simple as it might sound. For employers, there are lots of considerations. At vivoHR we know how hard it is to keep all the plates spinning when taking care of your staff...

Back to the Future: Returning to the Office After Working from Home

Back to the Future: Returning to the Office After Working from Home

When the pandemic began, most UK employees had to start working from home. But, since the world has gradually been returning to normal. In many organisations, a returning to the office movement has been taking place.  Whilst many have enjoyed the working from home...

2024 Employment Law Updates

2024 Employment Law Updates

Employment Law Updates usually take place each April, this year however bucks the trend with changes starting from January and carrying on throughout the year. Here's our rundown of employment law updates for the year. What's been, what we know is coming and what to...

How Do You Know If An HR Consultant Is Right For You?

How Do You Know If An HR Consultant Is Right For You?

Think back to when you decided to start your own business, we’re guessing HR wasn’t one of the areas that you gave much thought to. Unless that is of course you were an HR Consultant starting an HR business! Your businesses is constantly evolving, growing, moving in...

Why Having A Redundancy Process Is So Important

Why Having A Redundancy Process Is So Important

Redundancy can be one of the most stressful workplace situations for everyone involved. For employees, it presents a world of uncertainty about their future and next career move. For the employer, it often feels like a failure, means following a strict legal...

What Makes A Good Performance Review?

What Makes A Good Performance Review?

Performance reviews can be an incredibly powerful tool for your business. They can help you to understand employee mindset, increase motivation, boost engagement, strengthen interpersonal relationships and even improve your chances of meeting your goals as a company....