vivoHR & Training Blog
Pimlico Plumbers loses Supreme Court case on employment rights
Pimlico Plimbers Ltd v Gary Smith A plumber (Gary Smith) has won a legal battle against Pimlico Plumbers for working rights in a Supreme Court ruling expected to have huge ramifications for freelance workers. We've written about this case several times in the last...
World Cup 2018. Advice for employers to keep their team onside during the festival of football.
Are you one of the few not to know that the World Cup starts in Russia on Thursday 14 June? The month-long tournament culminates with the final in Moscow on 15 July. (The same day as the Wimbledon men’s singles final by the way). Expectations that England or Andy...
When being away from work isn’t a holiday!
The summer holiday season is nearly here. Looking outside today and seeing the waterfall cascading down my window, I can't wait to spend some time in the sun but a recent survey carried out by Glassdoor has some worrying statistics when it comes to us and our annual...
Bank Holidays with Part Time Employees Can Prove Tricky for Employers
are you aware that if you have part time employees then their annual leave entitlement of bank holidays should be pro-rated?
It’s National Sickie Day!!
It's National Sickie Day!! Apparently the first Monday in February sees the highest numbers of employees deciding it is high time for a duvet day! According to ACAS "Freezing temperatures, widespread 'flu outbreaks and a stalling economy look set to compound the...
When does targeted job advertising become discrimination?
When does targeted job advertising become discrimination? A question that looks likely to provoke a fair amount of debate in 2018. It's long been the practice of recruiters & employers to place adverts where their target employee audience are most likely to see...
Flexible working and the Gig economy
The gig economy under discussion again... At the Westminster Employment Forum, Hermes have claimed they are not like other gig-economy companies. Currently we're not seeing how what they describe as their operations differs from other courier firms, and just a couple...
Christmas Party Season is upon us
Christmas Party Season is in full swing! Will you be treating your employees to a night out, a Christmas lunch or will there be mulled wine & mince pies in the boardroom? We’d like to think the clichéd days of photocopying your bare backside after one too many...
non smokers should get more holiday
Non smokers should get more paid holiday! Well that's the verdict of one Japanese employer anyway - 6 more days to be precise. After an employee complained about the amount of work he did while his nicotine loving colleagues took multiple breaks per day his company...