Much talk today of course about MPs voting today on whether or not to make same-sex marriage legal. This of course is accompanied by much scaremongering as the article today in HRZone highlights.Using the education sector as an example…, according to some protestors, this will result in teachers being “forced” to promote same sex marriage even if it goes against their beliefs, having to run “homosexual lessons” (we’re curious as to what one of those might be here at vivoHR!) and being sacked for having a different viewpoint.

Call us simplistic but surely in multi-cultural and multi-faith schools teachers may already be teaching about things that differ from their own faith. As we understand it, the requirement is to educate not to promote one belief over another. It seems to us that the requirement to include information about same sex marriage in the curriculum will not be any different.

Have any of your employees raised concerns about how the ruling on this might affectyour workplace? Do you need any support or guidance in how to respond?

This is of course an emotive subject and we recognise that it is a tricky balance to meet the needs of a diverse society and a diverse workforce. We will work with your business to get it right.


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