Just as we were gearing up to start changing employment policies & staff handbooks we have news that the Children & Families Bill has a new target date of 21 March for Royal Assent meaning that the intended implantation date of new flexible working regulations will be delayed.

It was intended that the right to request flexible working, currently available to employees with children under the age of 17 (18 if the child has a disability) was to be extended to all employees on 6 April 2014.

It appears this will now be introduced later this year.

Currently there is a statutory procedure (with penalties imposed at tribunal if it is not followed and required timescales are not met) that must be followed when any employee makes a request for flexible working; this was due to be abolished on 6 April too.

No news has been announced about whether or not this still happens on 6 April or will also be left until later in the year so for the time being we suggest employers continue to follow that statutory procedure until advised otherwise.

If you are unsure about the right to request flexible working and want advice – give us a call and we’ll be happy to help.

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