Employees waste up to 3 hours a day! The Telegraph reports results of a survey that asked 2000 people about their working day.

Apparently only half of the group believe they work productively for 6 or more hours a day whilst 10% admitted to doing less than half an hour’s productive work a day!!!

If you recall the research we referred to last week – no wonder employees aren’t taking a break – many it would seem don’t need to as the whole day is coffee, chit chat, social media & online shopping!!

A variety of distractions are blamed for low levels of productivity, yet we can’t help but feel that there is more to it than simply a case of employees checking their phone too often.

If employees are engaged in important and interesting work that others recognise the value in, and if they are being managed well then we’d argue that the temptation to spend half the day “wasting time” would be significantly less.

In our opinion, there’s a need for balance and we believe that employees should be treated like grown ups – so if someone needs to do online banking or order a birthday present let’s not get hung up on it – just so long we know that they are getting their work done effectively and conscientiously the rest of the time.

Offering employees the flexibility to manage those domestic chores that need to be done during office hours is usually, if managed well, rewarded with loyalty, hard work and flexibility in return…of course it isn’t then that needs to be dealt with.

Creating a culture where people are keen to do their best and get their work done is far more effective, in our view, than banning social media or blocking access to Amazon from the work computers.

Meanwhile offline, creating an environment where there is opportunity for social interaction without that negatively impacting on others around you is essential for productivity.

How do you balance this in your workplace?



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