Who runs the world?

It seems that Beyoncé might have been wrong when she said ‘who runs the world? Girls!’ Only 4% of executive board positions in power & utility companies are held by women according to a report outlined in HR Today. Gender diversity is generally poor...

World Cup Fever

World Cup Fever is gripping the planet and ACAS have produced guidance on how employers should handle the world cup with regard to employees wanting to watch matches. There have been similar guidance notes produced before other big sporting events in the past but to...

Holiday Pay News

More holiday pay news…more expense for employers.. good news for employees! The European Court of Justice (ECJ) have ruled that holiday pay must be comparable to normal pay which therefore means it should include commission or any other elements of variable pay....

Overtime and Holiday Pay

Do your staff do overtime? Recent tribunal rulings suggest that in the near future it will be required for holiday pay to be calculated based on actual hours worked not just on contracted or “basic” hours. This would then most likely be calculated on...