Do some days just go GREAT for you – often when you least expect it or for the most unexpected of reasons?

I am having one of those days!  So in the spirit of sharing a little happiness I thought I’d blog about it and hope that you have a great day too.

So what’s happened to me then?  Nothing huge but just a lot of little things that all add up to a really positive feeling…

I went to a networking meeting this morning & bumped into someone I hadn’t seen for probably two years and was thrilled to hear that their business is doing great.  Then someone I got chatting to recognised me from the articles we post in the Chamber News, I made contact with a lady who I have been trying to speak to for months, and someone else told me how great our  business cards are….what a start to the day – all this before 9am!

I got back to my office to a great email from a prospective client, some really helpful responses to a question I’d posted on a discussion forum and a mail from a contact at 4Networking saying how much the tag line in my emails makes them smile.

If we believe that we make our own good fortune then I’d guess this would be a great time to pat myself on the back for working hard at networking and building relationships with people.   I’m thinking now is a great time to make seize the moment and make some sales calls!

Wishing everyone a day full of successes and pleasures both big & small – and if those are down to you to make happen – what are you doing right now to ensure you too have a REALLY GREAT DAY?!


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