Update on the Health and Work Service (HWS) – The Government have announced that it will be run by occupational health provider Health Management which is owned by MAXIMUS who already provide services to the Government.The HWS is to be launched later this year with roll out completed by May 2015. Employees off sick for 4 or more weeks will be referred to the HWS for an occ health assessment and a return to work plan when appropriate.

The HWS will also offer guidance to GPs, employers & employees via phone & a web based service.

Personnel Today report that the Government predict that the HWS will cut sick pay costs to businesses by between £80million and £165million a year.

Concerns have been raised about GPs awareness of the service, whilst doctors and the BMA themselves have expressed worry about the scope of the service.

We’ll await more information about exactly what the remit of the HWS will be as we approach the end of 2014 and keep you updated.


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