In 2019 it is predicted that the busiest day for job seekers will be January 8th – the first “normal” Tuesday of the new year.

On the list of New Year’s resolutions for many is “get a new job” it would seem.

Now there may be some employees that you think this is the right move for. In the words of one of our great friends in the HR business, “freeing up their future” with you is no great loss. But what about those employees that you really value? Those you have invested in, those you see the potential in, and those you quite simply feel you can’t manage without?

Well, we hope that you have spent all year letting them know how great they are. Ensuring they feel respected and appreciated. A quick “thanks please don’t leave” at Christmas might be a little like bolting the proverbial stable door.

However, we’d suggest that the festive period is a great time to remind employees of their importance to you. They spend the Christmas holidays remembering all the reasons why they love working for you, rather than planning their exit!

As well as ensuring they get satisfaction from the day job, make sure you involve those employees in the business plans for the future. That way they can see where they fit in and can picture a career with you. Ensure that they have a chance to give their thoughts for improvements and developments so that they feel they have a role to play. Remember to say thanks for a job well done!

Read more. cHRistmas Survival Guide #5 – When is a gift not a gift?

For more about HR issues at this time of year in a small or medium-size company, contact us. or call 0845 463 9365.  


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